Properties of Basic Phenolic Resin
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2022-03-07 16:22
1. Basic Phenolic Resin synthesized by using phenol and formaldehyde as raw materials and using alkali (NaOH, KOH, LiOH) as a catalyst. Because the resin contains a large amount of alkali, the phenolic hydroxyl group in the resin exists in the form of phenolic anion, and the resin contains a large amount of alkali. It has a certain alkalinity, so it has good water solubility, and the curing agent used is generally an organic fat of polyol.
2. basic phenolic resin In the hardening reaction of the resin, firstly, the alkali in the resin reacts with the lipid to form alkali metal carbonate, and the alcohol is released. After the alkali in the resin is neutralized to form carbonate, a cross-linking reaction can occur, and the sand particles are adhered to each other. knot, so that the sand has the necessary strength.
3. Since the organic ester as the curing agent is a component involved in the basic phenolic resin hardening reaction, it is different from other resin self-hardening sand that the curing agent only plays a catalytic role and does not participate in the reaction. Therefore, the self-hardening sand cannot be adjusted by changing the amount of the curing agent added. The hardening speed of sand and mold release time, the amount of organic fat added is generally 20%-30% of the resin, which varies with the variety of resin and organic ester. If the amount of organic ester added is insufficient, the mold will be difficult to harden; if the amount of organic ester added is too high, the mixed sand and sand mold will feel slippery, and it may cause a reaction at the mold-metal interface, affecting the surface quality of the casting. The hardening speed and mold release time of self-hardening sand should be adjusted by changing the type of organic ester.
The use of basic phenolic resin technology to produce steel castings, alloy castings and ductile iron castings can not only ensure the surface quality of the castings, but also ensure the internal quality, improve the working environment, and is a better production process for the production of high-demand castings.
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